Thursday, April 8, 2010

space shuttle launch pics

right before it took off

Take off

After math of it all


Six Flags over Arlington

More Carlsbad Caverns

Visit with Eric

Grand Canyon

Hoover Dam

North Carolina & Virginia Beach 4/8/2010

North Carolina & Virginia Beach 4/8/2010

Chris and I had a great day today… I was able to wake up early and hit the road while Chris slept  in and caught up on some sleep… to make my dad mad we took a break in Concord, NC and visited the Hendrick Motorsports shops…. We were able to see JR’s, Jimmy Johnson, Mark Martin & Jeff Gordon’s cars in there shop’s…. pretty amazing….we have now ended our day in Virginia Beach and are staying with Joe & Karen Johnson (family friends of Chris’s)… They are amazing, they had food on the table when we walked in and the company was awesome… they made us feel right at home… we even had a chance to sit in the spa for a little bit and just relax…. We are so grateful to have wonderful family and friends to have opened their doors and have let us spend the night…. Not sure what the plans are for tomorrow but Karen gave us a couple of ideas to do… we will keep you posted but as for now its time for bed… hopefully next time I blog it will be from NEW YORK CITY 

Leaving Texas

Leaving Texas

So its been awhile…. Chris and I have been busy and enjoying our trip and haven’t had much down time… We have seen some pretty amazing things so far… We had a great time in Six Flags over Texas, got to see the new Dallas Stadium (its huge) and Ranger Field.  We had a great visit with Tim and Lois the next morning.  Breakfast was delicious and the shower was great.  It was so thoughtful of them to open their house to us and give us a bed and a shower… cause boy did it feel good to shower… We got on the road and headed to Louisiana… This was Easter night and both chris and I though out many of ideas on what we should do for the night..We ended up in New Orleans on Bourbon Street… What a fun little place…. We made it for Easter night mass, saw the superdome, had pizza by the slice and walked down Bourbon street with a good margarita in hand…. We collect some beads on our walk down the street for souvenirs and made our way back to Nancy so we could get on the road again to make it to Florida for Easter.  We made it about 45 minutes out side of New Orleans before we called it a night in the  Wal-Mart parking lot…

Easter Sunday we spend driving through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama & Florida…. After that drive I was sooooooo ready for a shower….  We finally made it to Clearwater, Florida where we had Easter Dinner with Family… We met up with my Cousin Eric and had a great Spaghetti dinner…  the Company was great and the memories will be there forever… we ended the night with a round of Miniature Golf and the last few endings for the opener game between NY Yankees & Boston Red Sox’s…. Hopefully we will be able to see one of Eric’s games in New Jersey next week… It was a short but great visit with him and who would have thought we would be able to visit with family on the east coast… As we left his hotel we had our sites set for Kennedy Space Center…

Chris was a trooper and drove the 3 hrs to Cape Canaveral that night which put us in at 3am… We had about 2 hours and 21 minutes til the shuttle launch so we picked our spot out and wanted to walk around and enjoy the environment with everyone who came out to watch the launch too… Instead Chris decided to lock the keys in the car (for the 2nd time this month)… we had NO cell phone, no money and no ID…. Luckily there was a gas station nearby and they were nice enough and let us use there phone and AAA card… so with nothing to do and wishing I could take a nap before the launch, but nope we ended up sitting out side of the gas station playing “who could throw the penny closer to the handicap head on the ground”  PS people start to look at you funny when you walk and pick up penny’s…. so an hour goes by and a little old guy pulls and follows us to the car on the other side of the street…. It takes him about 20 minutes to figure out what he should do, but he was too short and the slim jim wasn’t working …. So he went with plan B … not sure what it was called but it looked like a blood pressure cuff shoved in the door and a giant coat hanger to try and open the door… Well they guy was too short to look inside so went back to get a ladder while chris and I tried our luck and was able to get it open… We thanked the guy and sent him on his way at 4:45am… so that was a good hour gone and only had an hour and 21minutes left…. Chris found a spot right on the water straight across from the launch pad (but 11mile away)….. We turned our radio on and was able to listen in to NASA give the count down T minus 2minutes…. T minus 60seconds…. T minus 45seconds…. T minus 30seconds…. And at T minus 15seconds I said …..”oh shit….holy crap…oh my god….” and then I was silent for the next 2 minutes… IT WAS AMAZING… I don’t even know how to describe what I saw, it was pure amazement… to be able to put Men and Women in space with that much power and force almost brought me to tears… we were able to see the shuttle for almost 5 minutes after the launch because the sun wasn’t up yet....Even the after math of the smoke was amazing to see once the sun raised…. As I write I just got chills just thinking about it again… after the launch we stayed up for about an hour after and watched all the cars try to leave and it was a parking lot on the streets… no one was moving and if you were it was only a couple feet…. We ate some breakfast and then passed out for a couple of hours before we headed to Cocoa Beach for the rest of the day.....

Agh at last the beach …..i love east coast beaches….. soooo amazing and so sandy….We bought some buggy boards and headed off to the beach for a couple of hours…. After we both feel asleep and played in the water it was time to head to Keri’s house in Orlando for the night.   We got to hang out with her and Noah for the night…. The Next morning we drove back out to Cocoa Beach to do a check up and an oil change on Nancy.  After another long day in the sun we headed back to Orlando to pack up our things and say our goodbyes to Keri and Noah….it was awesome to see them again, wish we could have stayed longer so we could have played and visited more….I know next time on our trip out to Florida we will have to make it longer…. Miss you both already…. Thanks again

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pictures of the TRIP so far

New Orleans

Six Flags - Texas
Carlsbad Caverns
Us, Mark & James in AZ